Our mission:
To enhance the unique and diverse workforce system in Ocean County by educating, supporting, and providing guidance in our community by implementing career & training services that align business, education, and economic development.
OCPIC, Inc. will be moving soon. Our new location will be at
The Ocean County Resource Center, 1005 Hooper Avenue, Toms River, NJ
During the transition, our office hours at our current location,
1959 Route 9, Toms River, NJ will be 9:30 AM to 4 pm by appointment only.
Please contact us at
732-240-5995 or email us at oceancountypic.org@gmail.com
Ocean County PIC, Inc. (OCPIC) is a 501c (3) private non-profit organization. Through the Ocean County Workforce Development Board (WDB), OCPIC is contracted to provide Ocean County residents with career and training services. Career services are accessible to all customers, regardless of eligibility and funding designations of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA). Jobseeker customers have the opportunity to participate in career & training services such as, orientation & information session, career guidance, training grants (must meet eligibility requirements of WIOA), job placement assistance, job matching, recruitment events, career expos, workshops, resume development, communication skills & interviewing techniques, community resources and other workforce opportunities.
OCPIC, works collaboratively with the job seekers, businesses, and community partners to connect skilled job seekers with businesses in our local and regional area.
Located at The Ocean County Career Center,1959 Route 9, Toms River, NJ 08755
All communication with jobseeker and business customers occurs through a variety of mediums including telephone, email, virtual and in person sessions.
Ocean County PIC, Inc staff are available Monday thru Friday during regular business hours.
Please contact us via phone at 732-240-5995 or by email at oceancountypic.org@gmail.com.
See "Contact Us" for staff extensions/email addresses and "Getting Started" for more information.
Youth Career Opportunity Program at the Ocean County Achievement Center
located at Ocean County College
See all the amazing opportunities we have for youth/young adults in Ocean County

Ocean County PIC, Inc
Located at the Ocean County Career Center
1959 Route 9
Toms River, New Jersey 08755
Phone: 732-240-5995 Fax: 732-349-5627 Email: oceancountypic.org@gmail.com
OFFICE OPEN: Monday - Friday 8:30am to 4pm
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